better android buttons

Better android buttons with image and text

So today the design comes in from the designer for what I thought at first look was a pair of simple buttons with text and icon. Turns out, it wasn't so simple. The Design   Now I incorrectly...
programmers beware - us is not just for designers

Programmers Beware – UX is not just for designers

This post can also be found on the Grab Engineering blog Perhaps one of the biggest missed opportunities in Tech in recent history is UX. Somehow, UX became the domain...
testing external services

Testing External Services

There seems to have been a lot of talk around me lately in relation to "dev boxes" and "testing on staging". After unsuccessfully trying to convince folks of why I think this is a bad...
corey's code philosophy

My code philosophy

Recently, a friend joined me on one of my projects. As it was the first time we were actually coding on the same project I wanted to tell him my coding philosophy to make...
android organisation of resources

Suggestion for the organisation of Android Resources

In this post, I would like to share (what I believe to be) a simple and effective way that I use to deal with resources on my android projects. First a disclaimer: I am not...
woman wearing red and black checkered blouse using macbook

The What, When, Why, and How of Testing (Part 3)

In the previous posts, we examined the Why, When, and How Much of testing. In this post, we will complete the thread with an examination of What we should be testing and What we should not be testing.
woman coding on computer

The What, When, Why, and How of Testing (Part 2)

In the previous post, we examined the Why and When of testing in this post, we will build on that foundation and look at How much we should be testing.
golang and revenge of capt obvious

Golang and the revenge of Capt Obvious

I found a lot of my code (particularly the tests) had code that looked like this:   Then I was reading yet another great post from Karl Seguin and I noticed there was a much better (sexier) way....
gdg devfest kl

Come see us at GDG DevFest / Kuala Lumpur

As some of you know I will be speaking at GDG DevFest (KL) tomorrow. I have to admit that I am both looking forward to it and quite a lot nervous.   It has been...
android view utilities

Announcing Sage42’s Android View Utils

We are happy to announce the initial launch of our Android View Utils. This library is intended to be a collection of UI elements and supporting code that ease Android UI implementation. This is only the...