woman coding on computer

The What, When, Why, and How of Testing (Part 2)

In the previous post, we examined the Why and When of testing in this post, we will build on that foundation and look at How much we should be testing.

Getting Started with SRE – Step 2 – Dashboards

Introduction In Part 1 of this series, we introduced the goal of understanding how our system performs by adding instrumentation. This article expands on this goal by taking...

Post-Incident Questionnaire for Managers

This is my light-hearted attempt to help engineering managers get the most value out of a downtime incident. Introduction So you had an incident? Condolences.On...
corey's code philosophy

The What, When, Why, and How of Testing

When it comes to testing, the most common misunderstanding is the motivations of testing itself. Some folks see testing as a burden imposed from on high. Some folks see testing, or more specifically, test coverage, as a metric that determines how well they did their job. Sorry, but neither of these is true. This post will address these fallacies and give you a different perspective on testing.
woman wearing red and black checkered blouse using macbook

The What, When, Why, and How of Testing (Part 3)

In the previous posts, we examined the Why, When, and How Much of testing. In this post, we will complete the thread with an examination of What we should be testing and What we should not be testing.